Monday, September 17, 2012


                   Ello Govna it's Popcorn441. I'm a Pump Porter. I'm also a Cutestuffer, Jenee's Princess, VampyLovies, Ky's Cutie, and even more!! So today is I wanna talk about Pumpchkin. She is one of my favorite idols!!! She has done so much. My favorite thing that she does is that she makes crazy fun looks!!! That look of her above there is for whats called the Ice Cream Crew. Basicly what I would call the ICC. But the thing is many people hate on Pump for know apparent reason. They make hater profiles just to bully her and all famous people. I wish they could all see this blog so that I could interview them then I would have loads of information to give. For those people who are catching up what has been happening is that  people hate on pump and the other famous people because well, they're famous. I want to uncover the truth about things. So let me give you all the information about Pump that I know.
                             1. She has raised awareness for cancer, bullying, etc.
                             2. She has reached the ultimate level which is 25
                             3. She created an official stalker series
                             4. She made the official barbie club
                               AND MANY MORE THINGS!!!!!!!
So tommorow will be a different topic but I will come back too this topic once in a blue moon. But I gotta run so Adios!!!!